Wednesday, June 02, 2004

From the mailbox today...


OK you whining, panty-waisted, pathetic Maggots,
it's time for a little refresher course on exactly
why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars.
See if you can tear yourself away from your "reality"
TV and Starbucks for a minute, pull your head out
of your flabby ass - and LISTEN UP!!

(picture of Iraqis being humiliated at Abu Ghraib)

THIS is not "torture" or an "atrocity".
This is the kind of thing frat boys, sorority girls,
and academy cadets do to newcomers.

(another one, quite sickening, really)

A little fun at someone else's expense.

Certainly no reason to wring your hands or get
your panties in a wad. Got that Kennedy?

(graphic photos of that American that was beheaded)

THIS IS an atrocity!

(9/11 famous photo)

So Was This!!!


Islam a peaceful religion???

Millions of these sons-of-bitches are plotting as we speak to
destroy our country and our way of life any way they can.
Some of them are here among us now. They don't want
to convert you and don't want to rule you. You are a vile
infestation of Allah's paradise. They don't give a shit how
"progressive" you are, how peace-loving you are, or how
much you sympathize with their cause. They want you dead,
and think it is God's will for them to do it. And you think
Bush and Ashcroft are your worst enemies?
John Kerry thinks if he gives them a hug or listens to with
them, then they'll like us... and you agree? You dumb ass!

If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents,
or even some anthrax - you will wish to God we had hunted
them down and killed THEM while we had the chance.
Stop bitchin' about your Goddamn Health Care, Social
Security, Gas prices, and your measly 6% unemployment rate...
and start worrying about you, your family's, and your friends'
asses. How many more Americans must be beheaded before
you stop blaming Bush for all your troubles - and grow some
balls for a change.

You've fallen asleep AGAIN, maggots!
And you may not get another chance!

NOW GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASS - and pass this on
to any and every person you give-a-damn about... if you
ever gave a damn about anything.

Well, now, that put me in my place, eh?
Erm--not really.
Whoever initiated this incendiary e-bomb has given short shrift to the facts.

Okay, first of all, let me get this very clearly stated right up front: acts of terrorism are wrong. Completely, utterly and without exception.

Now. I will grant you that a war has been declared, by al-Qaeda and its spinoff groups, against the West. As such, in my view, the United States and all Western democracies have a right--and a duty--to confront this threat.
But I missed the part where it says that gives Bush the right to invade Iraq, a country that--while odious to a great many of its citizens--posed no threat to the United States. And I don't see the word 'oil' up there anywhere, though God knows the Bushies do.
I'll freely admit I supported Bush, at first, on the grounds that Saddam Hussein needed killing. I would have preferred this be done quickly and quietly, of course. But given that all of his surrounding henchmen *also* needed to be eliminated, a limited war seemed the only solution.
I know the U.N. was clamoring for another chance to tell Saddam to 'stop it, now, really, sir, we've almost had enough of these resolutions and if you keep ignoring us, we'll have to pass another resolution to the effect that if you don't stop it right this...decade...we'll go round and round the mulberry bush.' I don't blame the U.S. for proceeding unilaterally (or not quite; there was, after all, a large 'coalition of the willing'.
My opinion turned, and that right quickly, when I noted America's first priority upon entering Iraq. Was it restoring electricity and safe water supplies for its citizens? Nope. Was it securing the priceless archaeological treasures that have accrued to Iraq over the millennia? Nope! It was oil, black gold, Texas tea.
And once they got there and killed all the baddies, did they get the hell out and let Iraq run its government? Nope. Still there, and every *day* they're there, somebody or a few somebodies gets killed.
The supreme irony is that al-Qaeda and Iraq had nothing to do with each other. Nothing. There's not one concrete link between the two. In fact, there was no al-Qaeda style terrorism in Iraq at all...UNTIL THE UNITED STATES INVITED IT THERE by its actions since it invaded.
Take Abu Ghraib. The humiliation these Iraqis suffered was a fate worse than death, according to the Muslim code of honour. You just *know* there are terrorists justifying future attacks because of Abu Ghraib.
Which brings up another point. The terrorists had no problem justifying their attacks in the first place. Why is that, exactly? Again, I'm not saying they're right, far from it. But they *think* they're right, and they think they *have* the right. The United States would do well to find out just why that is.
I'm not saying that the hard core terrorists are to be appeased. Appeasement never works. We tried it with Hitler for years. But their point of view does need to be considered. And it would be a mistake to dismiss them as a bunch of lunatics. Because *they* think they're eminently sane, thank you very much, and quite a few people in the Middle East agree with them.
Of course, it may be too late. The United States, in going after Iraq instead concentrating on finding bin Laden and his Afghani associates, committed a grave error. Grabbing oil was another. Torturing prisoners was a third. One hopes that world affairs isn't like baseball.

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