Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Pulling up our pants

We are switching Internet providers. And television providers, while we're at it. We've decided that two years of vigorous Roger-ing is enough.
We've had no problem with the service, either cable or Internet, in and of itself. What bothers us is (a) having to pay in advance for it and (b) the fact the price keeps going up with no corresponding increase in features.
Rogers' billing service is only slightly more confusing than the tax code, and if you're even one day late with a payment (which they somehow calculate a month ahead), they can arbitrarily cut off any number of services without notice. This has only happened to us once.
Once is once too often.

So we're switching back to Bell as of Sunday, December 18th, sometime between noon and 4 p.m. Can you believe they make service calls on Sunday? Neither can I. Hopefully that's just one sign of the exceptional service to come.
The long and the short of it is, we'll be getting satellite with receivers for all four (!) televisions, plus a faster Internet connection (we have "high-speed lite" now, whereas we'll get high speed DSL soon)...all for $30.00 less a month.
The only bad part about all this is that it will cut our Christmas with my parents short. We'll be leaving at 5 Saturday morning and we've got to be home by noon on Sunday. These whirlwind tours are hard on everybody and I am particularly sorry to do a flying Christmas, as it were, but it can't really be helped this time.
Rogers will find out our intentions tomorrow. In case they retaliate and cut me off from the net, I thought everyone should know why. New email address to follow...

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