Friday, March 31, 2006

Check out this site if you've a mind to. It covers every sort of religion/spirtuality, including the lack of either: chances are you will find something that resonates with you on this colossal site. They have a "Belief-O-Matic" quiz that attempts to match your spiritual/religious beliefs to established traditions. I was astonished to discover that my beliefs are supposedly very close to those of Christian Scientists...considering the negative viewpoint I have of same. As it turns out (and as I could have predicted), I'm also a fit with Unitarianism and the New Thought Movement. Apparently I would be somewhat at home at a Quaker meeting. And I can still call myself a liberal Protestant, if I want to. (Not sure I really want to, although the United Church doesn't turn me off entirely.)
Interestingly, the belief system that least matched my answers is Roman Catholicism...the faith I was baptized into...twice.
Anyway, there are interviews and essays and discussion boards on every conceivable faith. It's amazing the stuff people believe. What's even more amazing is that on this site, at least, you're welcome to believe anything or nothing.


Peter Dodson said...

lol. I was matched as a secular humanist 1st, then a Unitarian universalist 2nd.

Ken Breadner said...

Sounds plausible, no?
I'm checking out Unitarianism--along with other faiths--because I feel this need to start doing something as part of a larger whole. I've never really felt that way before now, and I'm not really sure where it came from. I'm going about this cautiously, because I walk a really thin line when it comes to faith....shit, there's a blog entry in here. I'm going to write it. Right now.