Saturday, June 23, 2007


Dear Readers,

I have a few story ideas percolating around in my head. Unfortunately, every time I resolve to get them out of my head, I'm almost instantly distracted by all manner of possible Internet diversions.
Don't write that could fire off a blog entry, hell, even two, in half the time it'll take you to dig that story out of your cranium. Then you'll feel like you've accomplished something today.
Go play Peggle've only got two levels left before you're a Grand Master, after all.
Look at that blogroll. I wonder who wrote what today.

So I'm going to try something radical, at least by my standards. I'm not going to blog for the next month. I know myself well enough to go I can't go cold turkey, at least not without really irritating my wife. Accordingly, I've decided on a couple of rules.

1) I can still read other people's blog entries, but will refrain from commenting on same. Reason being those comments often turn into their own blog entries, and I'd rather keep my mind focused if at all possible.
2) In the event of anything sufficiently serious occurring--by which I mean the sort of thing that makes front page news worldwide--I hereby release myself from all blogging constraints.

If I ever want to get something even a little closer to publication, I'm going to have to learn to devote some time to the process.

I'll miss you, folks. But I'm doing this for my own good.


Anonymous said...

Geezzzz. I just start reading you, and you go and bugger off.


Kidding.... ;)

Enjoy your blogging vacation.

Thomas said...

I HATE hiatuses!!!

Peter Dodson said...

Hey Ken.

I understand completley. Blogging can be just too much sometimes.

Come back refereshed. I'll miss you.
