Saturday, October 06, 2007

How cool is this?

I'm away in a couple of hours to spend a week with my dad.
That in itself is fantastic...I've been counting down the days for entirely too long now. Longtime readers will know that Rose Point is my chosen sanctuary, and by God do I need one of those about now.
But while I'm gone, Eva is (a) quitting smoking; (b) deep-cleaning the house and (c) painting the living room. So I get to come home to a new house and a new wife.

I picked a good week to be away from work. The flyer this week is unprecedented in our store's history. Neilson 1L milk for 88 cents. Core milk (homo, 2%, 1% and skim) has never been on sale at our chain and I've never seen it on sale for this price anywhere. Planning how much to bring in had me tearing my hair out. Once I was hairless, I started thinking about where they were going to put all this milk and now I don't even have a scalp.
We've also got Dempster's grain breads for 88 cents. Never seen this price either. Both sales end tomorrow, so get thee to a Price Chopper if you like your bread and milk.

My father lives in a place so remote it's only connected to the Net by the most tenuous of dial-up lines. I imagine most people can remember what that's like. Long story short, I doubt this blog will be updated until after I'm back.

Take care, everyone. Fellow Ontarians, get out there and vote on Wednesday--don't forget to familiarize yourself with both sides of the referendum. Fellow Canadians, happy Thanksgiving: fill yourself up with turkey farts. And to everyone, have a good, peaceful and relaxing week.

I know I'm going to.

1 comment:

Rocketstar said...

isolation must feel very good.