Friday, August 29, 2008

Back in Barack

Well, didn't he just nail that one?'

Here's the speech in its entirety. (WARNING: This runs 45:08. DO NOT HIT PLAY IF YOU'RE ON DIAL-UP.)

Here's a transcript, courtesy The New York Times, for those with less-than-blisteringly fast connections.

Highly impressed with this one. Obama finally coupled his soaring rhetoric with some solid policy. We begin to get the picture of what "Change" actually means. A ten year commitment to wean America off foreign oil. The closing of corporate tax loopholes. A nationalized health-care system.
More: a paradigm shift away from corporations and towards individuals. I was particularly moved by Barack's insistence that he will not attack McCain the person--indeed, 'we owe him our gratitude and respect'--only his policies. Just that one statement alone goes a long way towards reinforcing my belief that Barack Obama is a decent man and worthy of anyone's vote.

I hope he gets the majority of votes in November. I really do.

1 comment:

Peter Dodson said...

I'm always skeptical of politicians Ken, but even I have to feel some hope that Obama can bring real change, not just talk about it. Ten years to get off foreign oil? That's a pretty quick timeline, but with enough investment, it can happen.