That People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals would even consider running an ad in a Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, newspaper with this copy:

...absolutely enrages me.
And while the newspaper (rightly) rejected the ad, PETA remains unapologetic. Basically, they're accusing anyone who has a problem with that ad of gross insensitivity towards animals.
Fuck 'em, I say. I say PETA has a gross insensitivity towards humans.
Gee, why weren't these people out in force on September 12, 2001 with a lovely photo of roast pigs, hooves lovingly entwined, falling from the inferno of the World Trade Center? As a follow up to this ad, were they going to go to Tim McLean's family's door right around suppertime and, if meat was on the menu, tell them they might as well be eating their son?
Infuriated doesn't even begin to describe it.
I care about animals. My wife cares deeply about animals. And her dad's a part-time butcher, so she's not ignorant in the slightest about what happens to the animals that end up on your table.
For me, it's a fairly simple equation: given a choice between saving a non-human animal and saving a human, I'll opt to save the human every time. With an ache in my heart, admittedly...but what can I say? I'm human.
For Eva, it's a bit more complicated and would probably depend on just what human she had to save. Call her cold-blooded if you will, but I did say she cares deeply about animals. Particularly simian animals. Does she eat meat...things "with a face?" Yep. How does she square that? The same way aboriginal cultures do. She'll go so far as to say a silent grace before partaking of her steak, not to any god, but to the spirit of the animal. She would never kill an animal unless she had no other choice.
She's a survivalist, and as such knows animals inside and out. She can trap, kill and skin just about anything; she can take apart a stomach to obtain what used to be called 'catgut', which she can then use for stitches. She knows many uses for internal organs. She can make leather and fashion a myriad of useful things out of bone. I guess what I'm trying to say is that she is conscious of her place in the world, and of an animal's place, and by and large she sees herself as equal.
I'm not sure PETA thinks that way. Actually, I'm pretty certain they feel that animals are vastly superior to human beings. Since they themselves are human, they have to put themselves on some sort of pedestal.
Last I looked, animals ate other animals, and they don't take particular care to kill them humanely, first. (The word humane was once used interchangeably with human.) Moreover, the plants PETA insists we eat instead are analogous to animals: they have blood (sap/pollen), a central nervous system after a fashion; and at least some form of intelligence. Check this study out, detailing how plants 'hear' and respond to melody. So: are you a vegetarian because you love animals, or because you hate plants?
I usually applaud provocative advertising. Belittling a tragic murder, right where it happened? Sorry, that's unforgivable.
I think we should take members of PETA, and Phelps and his followers from the Westboro Baptist Church and lock them up in the same building for a few months, without food.
We'll see who walks out....
If both groups hold to their beliefs, everyone should starve to death.
Its win-win-win no matter the result.
If PETA only took youor stance, they would be sooooo much more successful at helping animals. I think of PETA like Operation rescue, waaaaaayyy to far to the one side of the story. Come to the cneter and win more supporters and inthe end, do much more to help your cause. nice post.
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