Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mumbai could be anywhere

Mark Steyn writes:

What’s relevant about the Mumbai model is that it would work in just about any second-tier city in any democratic state: Seize multiple soft targets and overwhelm the municipal infrastructure to the point where any emergency plan will simply be swamped by the sheer scale of events.

Islamic terrorism is evolving, becoming at once less and more lethal. It is exceptionally difficult to prevent relatively small-scale terrorist attacks; co-ordinate enough of them in a short period of time and you wreak total chaos completely out of proportion to your actions.

Back in 2005, I imagined multiple terrorist attacks in Toronto. I've linked back to that blog entry a couple of times, each time I hear somebody say "it can't happen here." It can. It probably will, in fact, sooner or later. Because, as Steyn writes,

The Islamic imperialist project is a totalitarian ideology: It is at war with Hindus, Jews, Americans, Britons, everything that is other.

We are other. I'm proud to be other. I will fight and die, if necessary, to remain other. I'd like my fellow others to recognize that we're at war, though. With each new atrocity, I keep hoping we'll put two and two together and notice it makes four. 

1 comment:

Rocketstar said...

It's a great point. Sooner or later we'll all most likely face something like this, especially if the world does not snuff out religous fanatacism.