Sunday, March 14, 2010

RIP PC Vu Pham

Provincial Constable Vu Pham likely saved at least one life when he sacrificed his own.
That isn't mentioned in most news reports of the tragedy, but it is nevertheless true. Fred Preston was on his way to his estranged wife's sister's place, had a gun, and was obviously prepared to use it: PC Pham was shot as he got out of his cruiser.

When I read that little detail, I immediately flashed back on a vivid vision my father unwittingly implanted in my head back in the eighties. I was out on patrol with him when he pulled over a speeder. Before he got out of the car, he told me "now, if anything happens, hit this button. It'll connect you with North Bay. [Incidentally: well over two hours away.] Give the cruiser number and describe the situation." Nothing untoward happened, but it didn't stop me from worrying incessantly forever after. I'll admit it: I was glad when my dad retired from active police duty. Selfish of me, I know. Like Vu Pham--and most officers--my father was a pillar of his community and he touched many lives every day. But with him retired from active police duty, I can rest easy in the knowledge that any unknowns Dad confronts today are likely to be armed, with murder in mind.

Dad knew and worked with PC Pham. It seems sometimes like my dad knows every officer in the province: such is the fraternity of police. It's why, whenever an officer is killed in the line of duty, thousands attend the funeral. The day before, Dad had sent the following to my inbox. It contains lessons I learned myself a long time ago...but judging from the sheer volume of anti-police 'hateful editorials' referenced below, many still haven't taken to heart.


une Flic said...
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une Flic said...
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Rocketstar said...

That sucks man. People don't give cops enough credit for what they do for us. Him having kids just adds to it, so hard to watch as I can empathize with that and it's the worst thing that could ever happen. RIP.

une Flic said...
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