EDIT: Debunked.. Thank goodness.
I read sites like Matt Savinar's Life After The Oil Crash primarily because I believe in the old saw about expecting the worst and hoping for the best.
For some of the people on the outer fringe of doomdom, "the best" seems to be the worst and they both hope for and expect it. It can occasionally be somewhat difficult to separate legitimate points of concern from doomer porn. Indeed, with this latest disaster it's nearly impossible to do, because the most radical predictions coming from the doomers have one by one filtered into "respectable" media outlets like CNN and the New York Times...and then come to pass. It's extremely disheartening when the "worst case scenario" is continually adjusted worseward.
Still, this is unthinkable.
Well, apparently not: people are thinking it. Imagine a Mt. St. Helens eruption underwater, caused by the sudden release and ignition of a positively massive methane pocket that everybody knew was down there before they even started drilling. Imagine a possible fiery tsunami obliterating Florida in an eyeblink.
We'd better pray to whatever deities or forces we believe in that the doomers are wrong on this score. I for one would like nothing better than to expose this prediction as doomer porn, febrile flaming fantasy fodder for fanatical fallacious fools. Because if they're right...well, there's another f word that comes to mind.
You know what's disgusting? It took until a month into the Macondo mishap before I ever learned about the Nigerian Delta, where oil spills of Exxon-Valdez magnitude have been ongoing, every year, for five decades. Did you know about this? Does anybody give a tarball? That such atrocity goes almost unnoticed in "civilized" regions of the world nauseates and enrages me. Here are companies making billions of dollars a quarter among people whose life expectancies might as well be measured in quarters. And they've completely poisoned the ecosystem, killing off everything, and we only care when it looks like something similar is happening closer to home?! I could cry. Or scream.
It's a sad tale and it will only get sadder even if they are able to successfully tap into the well with one of the two relieif wells, IF they can in LATE AUGUST.
It's insanely maddening
It's a sad tale and it will only get sadder even if they are able to successfully tap into the well with one of the two relieif wells, IF they can in LATE AUGUST.
It's insanely maddening
I'm not sure those relief wells will work. I'm by no means an expert, but I have two concerns: 1) the seafloor has already been shown to be degraded; what's to say poking a couple more holes in it won't just collapse the whole area? And 2) the pressure, which is almost supernatural it's so damn strong. They've hit a real gusher here...I could easily see the relief wells blowing out, too.
Scary, scary stuff. What I don't get is that methane. I mean, if it was going to go kablammo you'd think it would have done it already, no?
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