Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Short, Not Sweet

Couple of politi-points today, both of which are depressing, I'm sorry to say.

1) John Tory, the man who ran for mayor of Toronto and lost, then ran for Premier of Ontario and lost again, is now being told to get his ass into the Toronto mayoralty race because a poll says he'd win.

I'm not sure who comes off worse, here. The other candidates, in that somebody without a place in the election or any sort of platform would handily beat them all? Or the voters in Toronto, for being willing to vote for somebody without the benefit of a place or platform?

I gotta admit, I'm hopin' for Rob Ford, if only to watch four years of endless histrionics. Here's a guy who once had the unmitigated gall to spend $4.32 of his allotted $53,000 office budget one year...and apologize for it, on account of having spent $4.32 less than that the previous three years combined. Put a man like that in charge of the circus that is Toronto council and watch the fur fly.

2) The IGNORANCE and RANK STUPIDITY of our Federal Government knows no bounds. Stockwell Day, yesterday:

“Do you think it is right that you can threaten your neighbour with jail time if she doesn’t tell you if she has mental issues or not?” he wrote. “Or who does what chores in the house? Or whether she is a Jew or not? Don't you find that one even a little bit chilling?”

What I find chilling is that anybody, let alone somebody in the government, would impugn Statistics Canada in this disgusting manner. No wonder Munir Sheik quit. I would have, too. Sadly, that resignation meant nothing to Harper and his crowd of mouth-breathing hicks. Indeed, it probably emboldened them: after all, there's little doubt the public face of StatsCan has been weakened.

Sigh. To think I once considered joining the Conservatives. I'm more likely to join the Liberals at this point, Ignatieff notwithstanding.

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