Wednesday, March 02, 2011

I know you are, but what am I?

If Flaherty's budget results in a vote of non-confidence and an election, it won't be because of the opposition.

I will repeat that.

If there's an election, it WON'T BE LAYTON, IGNATIEFF, OR DUCEPPE'S "FAULT".

Harper's Conservatives are wily little buggers. Remember that old schoolyard taunt that's the title of this blog entry? That's Harper's idea of electioneering. Childish, isn't it?

Supposedly, it's up to the NDP whether we have an election or not. I'd argue it's up to the Conservatives, myself: do they bring forward a budget that has the confidence of the House, or don't they? It's really quite simple. Except Harper, being the schoolyard bully that he is, will blame any lack of confidence on Layton, Ignatieff, and Duceppe. He'll repeat, over and over again, that they're responsible for this "unnecessary" election. And why is the election unnecessary? Because he says so, that's why.
Harper won't hesitate to blame the supporters of their parties, either--and even with the Cons' inexplicable rise in the polls, it must be remembered that in the event of an election, a majority of Canadians will vote for a party that isn't the Conservative Party of Canada.

I want a leader and a party that at least attempts to govern by consensus. Consensus is a Canadian value. Or at used to be.

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