Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Oh, the Sarcasm, the Sarcasm.

And if you go to the site, you'll find a poll ("how will corporations use their tax cuts? Big Bonuses, Bigger Bonuses, or Great Big Bonuses?"); videos, suggestions on "how to raise your $500"; lots more besides.

Can you guess I'm not a fan?

I've said this before, and I'll say it again. I have no problem paying taxes. I have no problem paying high taxes. So long as I'm getting value for money. Am I? It's hard to say, and truth be told I tend to veer between "maybe" and "NOPE!" most of the time. But I'll tell you one thing: given the choice between giving my money to a government and a CEO corporation, I'll choose the government every time. At least in theory, the money I give the government will go somewhere valuable: I might even see it again, in some form.

I don't begrudge corporations their profits, and that's something my detractors never seem to believe. If someone can build a better mousetrap, by all means they should get all the cheese. I have a real problem with cheese being given to them ahead of time, though.

The damnedest thing, though, is that we don't have much of a choice in the matter. Corporations will locate wherever the bribes are the best--and there go all the jobs...

1 comment:

Rocketstar said...

And why people do not understand this is FUCKING amazing. It's the second best story ever told after the story of Jesus Christ.