Friday, October 10, 2014

I DID Want To Write This!

I have more than usual to be thankful for this year.

Thanksgiving is one of the more challenging periods of the retail year, after Easter (by far the worst) and Christmas (which would be the worst were it not for the fact that it starts in four days and runs until New Year's Eve). For reasons unknown, they always seem to schedule a grocery inventory the week leading up to Thanksgiving, too, which just compounds the misery. I made a point of en-joy-ing my job ("en-joy"--"to inject joy into something")...but sometimes it would take several shots a day, especially around this time of year.
I'm not sure what the next epoch of my life will hold...but it won't be retail. And that's a good thing. It's not called the accidental career for nothing--you stumble into it, and it's beastly hard to get out of its mindset. (That's why I am taking French: I will be fluent, I hope, a year from now--a real selling point to my next boss, or so I hope.)
I should actually thank Sobeys for my time there. It was a job I basically walked in and demanded, and from that point to the last day there was more good than bad in it. Yes, I had my share of bad days--who doesn't? But with a very few exceptions, the people at my store were worth getting out of bed each day (or night) for. Some of them have even remained friends. I miss you guys. I really do.

I'm to the point now where I can thank Sobeys for letting me go, too. It only came a year to eighteen months earlier than I was planning to leave myself, but beyond that, I had a lot of growing to do, and my dismissal gave me time to devote to it. That may sound odd, a 42 year old guy admitting he had a lot of growing to do. Guess what? I still do. But these past few months have meant nothing less than a redefinition of self. Those are always painful...and always necessary.

In no order whatsoever...

My cats certainly don't understand "thank you" and I only kid myself into thinking my dogs (well, Tux) does...but I'm thankful for each of them. Usually. Bubbles has vampire teeth and Mooch has a sandpaper tongue; Tux is grabby and Peach is *sigh* Frisbee-fixated....but all in all they're each of them a net contributor to the joy that is in this house. You people without pets--how do you do it?

Alexa: As I write this, your sister is still Lilygagging around, delaying her zeroth birthday party as long as she possibly can, it seems. But for right now this is about you: you're special, you're adorable as all get-out and I'm so thankful to have such a worldly niece (at all of two and a half).  Can't wait to get you on a piano. Won't be long now--I was only a few months older than you when I started, and I can tell you've got music pouring out of your soul.

Yes, I'm about to thank a bunch of completely inanimate objects. I have read several stunning books this past year, among the very best of them S.M. Stirling's Dies The Fire. I'm currently reading the second novel in the Saga of Recluce and enjoying it as well.

I'm thankful hockey's back. I can now count among my friends and loves a Habs fan, a Sens fan, an Isles fan, a Devils fan, and (whew) a couple of Leafy freaks like me. It's going to make for an interesting year as crow is served to somebody each and every week.

Other friends and loves, old and new--one of them old and new. You know who you are. I am blessed beyond my capacity to express (in fact, usually beyond my capacity to believe) to have each of you in my life. You have seen me through some exceptionally difficult times and I'm stronger for it. I love you all. Thank you. So very much.
I'm going to single a couple of you out here for special recognition (sorry, sorry)--Nicole, thank you. For granting me occasional access to an actual piano, something I haven't had for many years and which was, unexpectedly, a real need there for a while. For the loan of the Recluce books already mentioned. And for being such an all-around wonderful person. Take a bow, would you?
And Craig--thank you for the music (as always), the support (as always) and the feeling like a quarter century of lost contact never even happened. You, too, are a great person. Greater than you know. Yes, take a bow...and then blow a fanfare. For an UNcommon man.

Thank you to my readers, who keep me writing--1409 posts and counting!--and who keep me centered. My very personal blog entries haven't deterred any of you--in fact, they seem to be my most popular. I'm very grateful to each and every one of you.

And finally--last but the furthest from least--to Eva. I have watched this past year as your body has shrunk--dramatically--and your heart has grown--just as dramatically. You have shepherded me through some rough patches this year, without hesitation and with your trademark compassion.  I could not be prouder of you; I could not wish for a better, more understanding or accepting wife, because I don't think she exists. I love you more with each passing year.

Thank you, one and all. Happy Thanksgiving.

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