Funny how Barack's wackjob pastor seems to be directing the presidential campaign down there in the U.S. of A, while McCain's wackjob pastor has gone all but unreported.
Oh, this source calls it an "uproar". But it's really barely a ripple compared to the tsunami of coverage Jeremiah Wright's received.
Wright thinks the American government developed AIDS to cull the black population, and that U.S. policies were partially responsible for 9/11.
The first assertion is one of those conspiracy theories that persists the more it's refuted. (The beauty of conspiracy theories is that a complete and thorough debunking is, ipso facto, impossible. The harder you try to eradicate nonsense, the more devoted you are to "covering up the Real Truth".) The second statement is patently obvious to anyone who's not American and even a few brave souls who are. (Title of one of Michael Moore's chapters in Dude, Where's My Country?: "Want to Stop Terrorism? Stop Being Terrorists!")
(I shouldn't have to say this, but I'd better: believing American foreign policy is partly responsible for 9/11 is NOT the same as saying "Americans deserved 9/11".)
If I had to pick a church to attend based solely on the presiding reverend, the Wright choice is clear. Wright puzzles me; Hagee scares me. Here's just a few of his spoken beliefs:
--On Hurricane Katrina: " the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans.” “New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God,” Hagee said, because “there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came.” If you remind Hagee that the "gayest" part of New Orleans was largely spared the wrath of Katrina, I'm sure he'd remind you right back that that "homosexual parade" never happened, now, did it?
On Catholicism: "A Godless theology of hate that no one dared try to stop for a thousand years produced a harvest of hate."
...Now, I'm about the farthest lapsed Catholic you'll find, and I take great issue with much of what comes out of the Vatican, but that's just a tad harsh.
--A potpourri on the U.S. educational system: "Your daughter can get an abortion in public school without telling you but she can't get an aspirin without your approval"..."When a school teacher cannot refer to the Ten Commandments on the wall but can command your child to read Harry Potter, which is nothing but a precursor of witchcraft, we' re going in the wrong direction here. This is not intelligence! We are embracing the era of darkness!"
--And doesn't this read like a call to jihad?
"The Allies came together in unity to crush the Axis power - why can't the church do that? We are in a culture war for America. The homosexuals are out of the closet - why can't the church of Jesus Christ get out of the closet? The A.C.L.U. is organized, funded and fighting day and night for "freedom from religion - no freedom of religion." Terrorist cells around the world are willing to strap bombs around their bodies to advance their cause. They are all unified! This is a call to arms to every Bible Believer in America."
So there's Hagee's vision of America. Now, about the world:
"The End Times -- Rapture -- is imminent and the U.S. Government must do what it can to hasten it, which at minimum requires: (a) a war with Iran and (b) undying, absolute support for a unified Israel, including all Occupied Territories."
Sen. John McCain: "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb-bomb-Iran." Oh, did you think that was a joke? Because I'm not sure Hagee thinks so.
Is John McCain a Dominionist? It's a valid question, and a crucial one, if you believe, as I do, in peace on earth.
Long, informative commentary on Dominionism here. In a nutshell (with emphasis on "nut"), these people want to bring about a Christian State in precisely the same way those Islamist boogeymen are striving to create an Islamic State. And Dominionists will use the Declaration of Independence itself to accomplish this. Even many Canadians can quote this part:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,”
Note the comma at the end. Do you know the second part of that sentence? Many, if not most, Americans don't. But you can bet your Bible the Dominionists do:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
There will, inevitably, be conflict: Hagee himself has said he expects the nuclear incineration of America's east and west coasts, because, you see, America is "cursed by God". (Didn't Rev. Jeremiah Wright say something to that effect? Uh, "God damn America", or something like that?)
...and, as an aside, aren't the east and west coasts where almost all those heathen blue-staters live?
The Christian State is only the start, of course. The end goal is, well, the End Times. Which Hagee believes will be "thrilling".
I'm thrilled, lemme tell ya. McCain says he's "honored" to have this man's support. Personally, if I had this man's support, I'd be jumping out of the race on principle.
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